Closed for Easter

We will be closed on Sunday April 17th for Easter

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Pool Closed 12/17 & 12/18

Hello Members: Due to a swim meet this weekend, the competition pool will be CLOSED on Saturday December 18th & Sunday December 19th.  The weight room and cardio room will be available for member use but keep in mind that the parking lot and pool deck areas will be very busy. Thank you!

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Evolution Holiday Pool Schedule

Hello Evolution Members: COMPETITION POOL:Below is a link to our Evolution Swim Team practice schedule for December 20th and December 27th weeks.  Please note some of their practice times have been modified which may impact morning pool availability.  If you wish to swim during the times listed on the attached schedule, please call ahead to… Continue reading Evolution Holiday Pool Schedule

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CLOSED Easter Sunday

NOMAD will be closed on Sunday April 4th in observance of Easter.

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NOMAD Holiday Hours

NOMAD will be CLOSED on: Thursday 12/24/2020 Friday 12/25/2020 Thursday 12/31/2020 Friday 1/1/2021 All other days, we will be open regular hours Please note: In addition to their regular evening practices, the Evolution Swim Team will be practicing daily from 8:30am-11am.  We will also have two high school teams here from 11am-12pm and 12pm-1pm. We… Continue reading NOMAD Holiday Hours

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Thanksgiving Hours

We will be CLOSED on Thursday November 26th for Thanksgiving We will be opening at 7:30am Friday November 27th   All other days will be normal schedules

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NOMAD Competition Pool-REOPENED

Hello members: The drain cover replacement in the competition pool is complete and it will be reopen for regular member use as per our regular pool schedules. We appreciate your patience as we worked to replace the covers as quickly as possible. We are still working on the heater issue in the warm pool but… Continue reading NOMAD Competition Pool-REOPENED

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Competition Pool Closed

Hello Members: We have been notified by County officials that the drain covers in our competition pool need to be replaced.  In order to do that, we are closing that pool down until the pool company can replace them.  Effective immediately, the competition pool will be closed until the drain covers are replaced.  We will… Continue reading Competition Pool Closed

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